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About Us
PT. Bes Sinergi Properti lembaga publikasi jurnal ilmiah resmi yang membantu penerbitan jurnal nasional dan telah terdaftar sebagai badan hukum dan tercatat dalam pangkalan data Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum Kemenkumham RI dengan Nomor Sertifikat: AHU-007109.AH.01.30.Tahun 2021.
Success Stories
While our roots are in publishing, we recognise our audiences need unique support, guidance and resources. The world of academia is under increasing pressure and expectation, and the traditional markers of influence such as citations are limited. Our role is to help challenge conventional ways of thinking, bringing people together to discover, curate and put into practice research that really matters. Sinergi Institute dedicated to serve entire research community across the globe by publishing genuine, trustworthy, and objectives, spreading to all researchers/ scientists/ engineers/ administrators/ professionals. We aim to regularly update our skills and maintain our unmatched quality standards to deliver our superb quality journals of all knowledge fields.